Grievance Policy



It is the policy of First Contact that clients have the right to offer positive and constructive feedback about our staff and services, to file grievances and/or to report violations of laws and policies. It is the sincere desire of First Contact to address grievances with an attitude of open mindedness and without prejudice. Every effort will be made to resolve the grievance at the lowest level possible step in the grievance procedure so as to not prolong any difficulty or problem. Client grievance information will be used to track trends to address the client’s needs.


When filing a grievance, clients have the right to:


  • Make a grievance about a service or their experience with the expectation that any grievance will be investigated appropriately and in confidence without fear of it affecting decisions related to their provision of professional services;
  • Received a timely response from First Contact
  • Receive oral or written instructions for filing a grievance; and
  • Be informed orally or in writing of the results of the grievance.


To File a Grievance and Offer Constructive Feedback with First Contact:


If you have a compliant or want to offer constructive feedback, such as sharing a success story about First Contact services, you can let us know in one of these ways:



Call 727-888-5211 to leave a voice mail message and your call will be returned.


When filing a report, we encourage clients to share pertinent information regarding the experience, which may include:


  1. Name, address, and contact number of the person(s) making the complaint;
  2. Names, addresses, and contact numbers of witnesses;
  3. A narrative or statement describing the alleged experience, including date and time of the alleged experience and where and when the alleged incident occurred;
  4. A narrative or statement identifying the desired corrective actions to solve the alleged violation(s); and
  5. Any other documentation that may provide additional explanation or identification of the alleged experience.
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