Sexual Assault Services Hotline


We're Here for Sexual Assault Survivors.

Sexual Assault Services of Pinellas County

Call 727-530-7273 Anytime.

Day or Night.

Call 727-530-7273 anytime day or night. Sexual Assault Services of Pinellas County

This is a Program of Suncoast Center in partnership with First Contact.

Suncoast Center
First Contact

Sexual Assualt Hotline FAQ

What happens when I call the hotline?

First Contact provides a caring ear for survivors, their families, and friends. If you are a sexual assault survivor, do not keep the crime private. Tell someone - call, seek help, or talk with a family or friend. The hotline is available to current and previous survivors of sexual violence.

Is First Contact trained to answer the hotline?

First Contact Specialists are certified by the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence and are trained according to the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence Advocacy Core Training (ACT) and utilize the RIDES model (Relationship Building, Identifying the Problem/Need, Dealing with Feelings and Exploring Options, and Safety) for sexual assault crisis intervention.

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